Show expected changes in cluster before deployment
To see how the resources in the cluster will change during the next deployment run werf plan
command before running werf converge
$ werf plan --repo
┌ Update Deployment/myapp
│ annotations:
│ + myanno: myval
│ ...
│ resources:
│ limits:
│ + cpu: 100m
│ - memory: 100Mi
│ + memory: 200Mi
└ Update Deployment/myapp
┌ Create ConfigMap/mycm
| + apiVersion: v1
| + kind: ConfigMap
| + metadata:
| + name: mycm
| + data:
| + mykey: myval
└ Create ConfigMap/mycm
Planned changes summary for release "myapp" (namespace: "myapp"):
- create: 1 resource(s)
- update: 1 resource(s)
Now run werf converge
and see that this is exactly what happens:
$ werf converge --repo
┌ Completed operations
│ Update resource: Deployment/myapp
│ Create resource: ConfigMap/mycm
└ Completed operations
Succeeded release "myapp" (namespace: "myapp")