During development of chart templates user need check these templates for errors before running full deploy process.

There are 2 tools to do that:

  1. Render templates.
  2. Lint templates.


During templates rendering werf will create a single text stream of all manifests defined in the chart expanding Go templates.

Use werf helm render command to get rendered manifests. The same params as in werf deploy command can be passed (such as additional values, images repo, environment and other).

Render command aimed to help in debugging of problems related to the wrong usage of Go templates or inspect yaml format of Kubernetes manifests.


Lint checks a chart for different issues, such as:

  • errors in Go templates;
  • errors in YAML syntax;
  • errors in Kubernetes manifest syntax: wrong kind, missed resource fields, etc.;
  • errors in Kubernetes runtime logic coming soon: missed resources labels, wrong names of related resources specified, check resources api version, etc.;
  • security risk analysis coming soon.

werf helm lint command runs all of these checks and can be used either in local development or in the CI/CD pipeline to automate chart checking procedure. The same params as in werf deploy command can be passed (such as additional values, images repo, environment and other).