What is werf config?

Application should be configured to use werf. This configuration includes:

  1. Definition of project meta information such as project name, which will affect build, deploy and other commands.
  2. Definition of the images to be built.

werf uses YAML configuration file werf.yaml placed in the root folder of your application. The config is a collection of config sections – parts of YAML file separated by three hyphens:


Each config section has a type. There are currently 3 types of config sections:

  1. Config section to describe project meta information, which will be referred to as meta config section.
  2. Config section to describe image build instructions, which will be referred to as image config section.
  3. Config section to describe artifact build instructions, which will be referred to as artifact config section.

More types can be added in the future.

Meta config section

configVersion: CONFIG_VERSION

Config section with the key project: PROJECT_NAME and configVersion: CONFIG_VERSION is the meta config section. This is required section. There should be only one meta config section in a single werf.yaml configuration.

There are other directives, deploy and cleanup, described in separate articles: deploy to Kubernetes and cleanup policies.

Project name

project defines unique project name of your application. Project name affects build cache image names, Kubernetes Namespace, Helm Release name and other derived names (see deploy to Kubernetes for detailed description). This is single required field of meta configuration.

Project name should be unique within group of projects that shares build hosts and deployed into the same Kubernetes cluster (i.e. unique across all groups within the same gitlab).

Project name must be maximum 50 chars, only lowercase alphabetic chars, digits and dashes are allowed.

WARNING. You should never change project name, once it has been set up, unless you know what you are doing.

Changing project name leads to issues:

  1. Invalidation of build cache. New images must be built. Old images must be cleaned up from local host and Docker registry manually.
  2. Creation of completely new Helm Release. So if you already had deployed your application, then changed project name and deployed it again, there will be created another instance of the same application.

werf cannot automatically resolve project name change. Described issues must be resolved manually.

Config version

The configVersion defines a werf.yaml format. It should always be 1 for now.

Image config section

Each image config section defines instructions to build one independent docker image. There may be multiple image config sections defined in the same werf.yaml config to build multiple images.

Config section with the key image: IMAGE_NAME is the image config section. image defines short name of the docker image to be built. This name must be unique in a single werf.yaml config.

image: IMAGE_NAME_1
image: IMAGE_NAME_2

Artifact config section

Artifact config section also defines instructions to build one independent artifact docker image. Arifact is a secondary image aimed to isolate a build process and build tools resources (environments, software, data, see artifacts article for the details). There may be multiple artifact config sections for multiple artifact config sections defined in the same werf.yaml config.

Config section with the key artifact: IMAGE_NAME is the artifact config section. artifact defines short name of the artifact to be referred to from another config sections. This name must be unique in a single werf.yaml config.

Minimal config example

project: my-project
configVersion: 1

Organizing configuration

With templates dir

Part of the configuration can be moved in separate template files and then included into werf.yaml. Template files should live in the .werf directory with .tmpl extension (any nesting is supported).

Tip: templates can be generated or downloaded before running werf. For example, for sharing common logic between projects

werf parses all files in one environment, thus described define of one template file becomes available in other files, including werf.yaml.

{{ $_ := set . "RubyVersion" "2.3.4" }}
{{ $_ := set . "BaseImage" "alpine" }}

project: my-project
configVersion: 1

image: rails
from: {{ .BaseImage }}
  {{- include "(component) mysql client" . }}
  {{- include "(component) ruby" . }}
  {{- include "(component) Gemfile dependencies" . }}
{{- define "(component) Gemfile dependencies" }}
  - file:
      path: /root/.ssh
      state: directory
      owner: root
      group: root
      recurse: yes
  - name: "Setup ssh known_hosts used in Gemfile"
    shell: |
      set -e
      ssh-keyscan github.com >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts
      ssh-keyscan mygitlab.myorg.com >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts
      executable: /bin/bash
  - name: "Install Gemfile dependencies with bundler"
    shell: |
      set -e
      source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
      cd /app
      bundle install --without development test --path vendor/bundle
      executable: /bin/bash
{{- end }}

{{- define "(component) mysql client" }}
  - name: "Install mysql client"
      name: "{{`{{ item }}`}}"
      update_cache: yes
    - libmysqlclient-dev
    - mysql-client
    - g++
{{- end }}

{{- define "(component) ruby" }}
  - command: gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
  - get_url:
      url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rvm/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer
      dest: /tmp/rvm-installer
  - name: "Install rvm"
    command: bash -e /tmp/rvm-installer
  - name: "Install ruby {{ .RubyVersion }}"
    raw: bash -lec {{`{{ item | quote }}`}}
    - rvm install {{ .RubyVersion }}
    - rvm use --default {{ .RubyVersion }}
    - gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
    - rvm cleanup all
{{- end }}

If there are templates with the same name werf will use template defined in werf.yaml or the latest described in templates files

If need to use the whole template file, use template file path relative to .werf directory as a template name in include function.

project: my-project
configVersion: 1
image: app
from: java:8-jdk-alpine
  - mkdir /app
  - adduser -Dh /home/gordon gordon
- artifact: appserver
  add: '/usr/src/atsea/target/AtSea-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar'
  to: '/app/AtSea-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar'
  after: install
- artifact: storefront
  add: /usr/src/atsea/app/react-app/build
  to: /static
  after: install
  ENTRYPOINT: ["java", "-jar", "/app/AtSea-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
  CMD: ["--spring.profiles.active=postgres"]
{{ include "artifact/appserver.tmpl" . }}
{{ include "artifact/storefront.tmpl" . }}
artifact: appserver
from: maven:latest
- add: '/app'
  to: '/usr/src/atsea'
  - cd /usr/src/atsea
  - mvn -B -f pom.xml -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml dependency:resolve
  - mvn -B -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml package -DskipTests
artifact: storefront
from: node:latest
- add: /app/react-app
  to: /usr/src/atsea/app/react-app
  - cd /usr/src/atsea/app/react-app
  - npm install
  - npm run build

With tpl function

The tpl function allows the user to evaluate strings as Go templates inside a template. Thus, werf partials can be located anywhere in the project and be included in werf.yaml.

It is worth noting that these files can use anything defined in werf.yaml and templates in .werf (templates dir).

{{ $_ := set . "BaseImage" "node:14.3" }}

project: app
configVersion: 1

{{ range $path, $content := .Files.Glob "**/werf-partial.yaml" }}
{{ tpl $content $ }}
{{ end }}

{{- define "common install commands" }}
- npm install
- npm run build
{{- end }}
image: backend
from: {{ .BaseImage }}
- add: /backend
  to: /app/backend
  - cd /app/backend
{{- include "common install commands" . | indent 2 }}
image: frontend
from: {{ .BaseImage }}
- add: /frontend
  to: /app/frontend
  - cd /app/frontend
{{- include "common install commands" . | indent 2 }}

Processing of config

The following steps could describe the processing of a YAML configuration file:

  1. Reading werf.yaml and extra templates from .werf directory.
  2. Executing Go templates.
  3. Saving dump into .werf.render.yaml (this file remains after the command execution and will be removed automatically with GC procedure).
  4. Splitting rendered YAML file into separate config sections (part of YAML stream separated by three hyphens, https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2800132).
  5. Validating each config section:
    • Validating YAML syntax (you could read YAML reference here).
    • Validating werf syntax.
  6. Generating a set of images.

Go templates

Go templates are available within YAML configuration. The following functions are supported:

  • Built-in Go template functions and other language features. E.g. using common variable:

    {{ $base_image := "golang:1.11-alpine" }}
    project: my-project
    configVersion: 1
    image: gogomonia
    from: {{ $base_image }}
    image: saml-authenticator
    from: {{ $base_image }}
  • Sprig functions. E.g. using environment variable:

    project: my-project
    configVersion: 1
    {{ $_ := env "SPECIFIC_ENV_HERE" | set . "GitBranch" }}
    image: ~
    from: alpine
    - url: https://github.com/company/project1.git
      branch: {{ .GitBranch }}
      add: /
      to: /app/project1
    - url: https://github.com/company/project2.git
      branch: {{ .GitBranch }}
      add: /
      to: /app/project2
  • include function with define for reusing configs:

    project: my-project
    configVersion: 1
    image: app1
    from: alpine
      {{- include "(component) ruby" . }}
    image: app2
    from: alpine
      {{- include "(component) ruby" . }}
    {{- define "(component) ruby" }}
      - command: gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
      - get_url:
          url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rvm/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer
          dest: /tmp/rvm-installer
      - name: "Install rvm"
        command: bash -e /tmp/rvm-installer
      - name: "Install ruby 2.3.4"
        raw: bash -lec {{`{{ item | quote }}`}}
        - rvm install 2.3.4
        - rvm use --default 2.3.4
        - gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
        - rvm cleanup all
    {{- end }}
  • tpl function to evaluate strings (either content of environment variable or project file) as Go templates inside a template: example with project files.

  • .Files.Get and .Files.Glob functions to work with project files:


    project: my-project
    configVersion: 1
    image: app
    from: alpine
      - name: "Setup /etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
          content: |
    {{ .Files.Get ".werf/nginx.conf" | indent 8 }}
          dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf


    The function supports shell pattern matching + **. Results can be merged with merge sprig function (e.g {{ $filesDict := merge (.Files.Glob "*/*.txt") (.Files.Glob "app/**/*.txt") }})

    project: my-project
    configVersion: 1
    image: app
    from: alpine
      - raw: mkdir /app
    {{ range $path, $content := .Files.Glob ".werf/files/*" }}
      - name: "Setup /app/{{ base $path }}"
          content: |
    {{ $content | indent 8 }}
          dest: /app/{{ base $path }}
    {{ end }}


    project: my-project
    configVersion: 1
    image: app
    from: alpine
      - |
        head -c -1 <<'EOF' > /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    {{ .Files.Get ".werf/nginx.conf" | indent 4 }}


    The function supports shell pattern matching + **. Results can be merged with merge sprig function (e.g {{ $filesDict := merge (.Files.Glob "*/*.txt") (.Files.Glob "app/**/*.txt") }})

    project: my-project
    configVersion: 1
    image: app
    from: alpine
      install: mkdir /app
    {{ range $path, $content := .Files.Glob ".werf/files/*" }}
      - |
        head -c -1 <<EOF > /app/{{ base $path }}
    {{ $content | indent 4 }}
    {{ end }}