Building image from Dockerfile is the easiest way to start using werf in an existing project. Minimal werf.yaml below describes an image named example related with a project Dockerfile:

project: my-project
configVersion: 1
image: example
dockerfile: Dockerfile

To specify some images from one Dockerfile:

image: backend
dockerfile: Dockerfile
target: backend
image: frontend
dockerfile: Dockerfile
target: frontend

And also from different Dockerfiles:

image: backend
dockerfile: dockerfiles/DockerfileBackend
image: frontend
dockerfile: dockerfiles/DockerfileFrontend


Images are declared with image directive: image: <image name>. The image directive starts a description for building an application image. The image name is a string, similar to the image name in Docker:

image: frontend

If image only one in the config, it can be nameless:

image: ~

In the config with multiple, all images must have names:

image: frontend
image: backend

An image can have several names, set as a list in YAML syntax (this usage is equal to describing similar images with different names):

image: [main-front,main-back]

You can use image name for most commands to execute ones for specific image(s):

Also, image name is used for naming when publishing built image into registry (read about it in separate article).

Dockerfile directives

werf as well as Docker builds the image based on a Dockerfile and a context.

  • dockerfile (required): to set Dockerfile path relative to the project directory.
  • context: to set build context PATH inside project directory (defaults to root of a project, .).
  • target: to link specific Dockerfile stage (last one by default, see docker build --target option).
  • args: to set build-time variables (see docker build --build-arg option).
  • addHost: to add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip) (see docker build --add-host option).
  • network: to set the networking mode for the RUN instructions during build (see docker build --network option).
  • ssh: to expose SSH agent socket or keys to the build (only if BuildKit enabled) (see docker build --ssh option).