List werf releases


werf helm list [FILTER] [options]


  -a, --all=false
            Show all releases, not just the ones marked DEPLOYED
            Specifies the max column width of output
            Show deleted releases
            Show releases that are currently being deleted
            Helm release storage namespace (same as --tiller-namespace for regular helm, default    
            helm storage driver to use. One of 'configmap' or 'secret' (default                     
            $WERF_HELM_RELEASE_STORAGE_TYPE or 'configmap')
  -h, --help=false
            help for list
            Use specified dir to store werf cache files and dirs (default $WERF_HOME or ~/.werf)
            Kubernetes config file path (default $WERF_KUBE_CONFIG, or $WERF_KUBECONFIG, or         
            Kubernetes config data as base64 string (default $WERF_KUBE_CONFIG_BASE64 or            
            Kubernetes config context (default $WERF_KUBE_CONTEXT)
            Set log color mode.
            Supported on, off and auto (based on the stdout’s file descriptor referring to a        
            terminal) modes.
            Default $WERF_LOG_COLOR_MODE or auto mode.
            Enable debug (default $WERF_LOG_DEBUG).
            Enable emojis, auto line wrapping and log process border (default $WERF_LOG_PRETTY or   
            Disable explanatory output (default $WERF_LOG_QUIET).
            Set log terminal width.
            Defaults to:
            * interactive terminal width or 140
            Enable verbose output (default $WERF_LOG_VERBOSE).
  -m, --max=256
            Maximum number of releases to fetch
            Show releases within a specific namespace
  -o, --offset=''
            Next release name in the list, used to offset from start value
            Output the specified format (json, yaml or table)
            Show pending releases
  -r, --reverse=false
            Reverse the sort order (descending by default)
  -q, --short=false
            Output short listing format
            Use specified dir to store tmp files and dirs (default $WERF_TMP_DIR or system tmp dir)