Host cleanup removes irrelevant data and reduces cache size automatically as part of the basic werf command invocation and for all projects at once. If necessary, the cleanup can be performed manually using the werf host cleanup command.
Changing build backend (Docker or Buildah) storage directory
The --backend-storage-path
environment variable) allows you to explicitly specify the backend storage directory in case werf fails to detect it automatically.
Changing the space usage threshold and cleanup depth of build backend (Docker or Buildah) storage
The --allowed-backend-storage-volume-usage
) parameter allows you to adjust the volume usage threshold (the default is 70%). Reaching it will trigger a backend storage cleanup.
The --allowed-backend-storage-volume-usage-margin
) parameter allows you to set the extra cleanup margin relative to the backend storage usage threshold (the default is 5%).
Changing the space usage threshold and cleanup depth of the local cache
The --allowed-local-cache-volume-usage
) parameter allows you to adjust the threshold of space used on the volume at which the local cache cleanup is triggered (the default is 70%).
The --allowed-local-storage-volume-usage-margin
) parameter allows to set the cleanup margin relative to the local cache usage threshold (the default is 5%).
Turning off automatic cleaning
The user can disable automatic cleanup of outdated host data using the --disable-auto-host-cleanup
). In this case, we recommend adding the werf host cleanup
command to the list of cron jobs, e.g., as follows:
# /etc/cron.d/werf-host-cleanup
*/30 * * * * gitlab-runner source ~/.profile ; source $(trdl use werf 2 stable) ; werf host cleanup